VDEG Kathari
ultrafiltration, for safe re-use of (drain) water
The VDEG Kathari uses ultrafiltration to remove pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, from drain water, surface water or basin water, while retaining the expensive nutrients. This process is highly cost-efficient.
Very high removal rate of viruses, bacteria and fungi
Not affected by low transmission values
Low operating costs
More information
Recirculation of water is now a standard aspect of water management in horticulture. It avoids needless waste of expensive nutrients and water. But re-using drain water (and other water) is not without risks. The water that comes back from the greenhouse can contain unwanted micro-organisms, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are various ways to remove these micro-organisms. One of these solutions is the Kathari, developed by Van der Ende Group, which uses membrane technology to achieve a very high removal rate with great cost-efficiency.
High physical removal rate of:
viruses (Log)
bacteria and fungi (Log6)
organic contaminants
Less organic/biological contamination in the watering system
Not sensitive to turbidity in the water
Makes it possible to re-use nutrients
Very low operating costs: short payback period
50 - 85% lower energy consumption than other techniques
Modular system (easy to upscale)
Contributes to sustainability
Removes ToBRFV