VDEG Poseidon
for efficient sodium extraction
The VDEG Poseidon extracts sodium with maximum effectiveness and minimum cost. This allows you to keep control of the sodium content in your drain water, so that it can be re-used for longer. You therefore make savings on drain water and retain expensive nutrients.
Keeps the sodium content under control
Saves on nutrients and water
Winner of GreenTech Award 2018
More information
Keeping your sodium content under control is essential for achieving optimum crop growth and preventing damage to plants. The Poseidon water treatment system makes it possible to efficiently lower your sodium content, while discharging a minimal quantity of effluent water. As a result, you can not only manage plant growth but also save on water and nutrients. And thanks to the use of activated carbon, the minimal effluent water no longer contains any plant protection products.
How it works
The Poseidon uses three membrane filtration techniques to separate the sodium from the drain water. Membrane filtration is a technique with a great track record for separating elements from water streams. The sodium is held back by the membrane, while water containing nutrients and plant protection products passes through and is re-used. This results in significant cost savings and reduces the environmental impact. The Poseidon is available in three different capacities and – specifically for the Netherlands – is on the approved list of the BZG (Assessment Committee for Water Treatment Systems in Greenhouse Horticulture).